Overview of the Book of Galatians
Friday, July 9
Read Galatians 1
Think About It:
- In verse 4, the idea behind the word deliveris not deliverance from the presence of something, but deliverance from the power of something. We will not be delivered from the presence of this present evil age until we go to be with Jesus. But we can experience deliverance from the power of this present evil age right now. Have you experienced this kind of deliverance?
- Paul warned the Christians of Galatia of those that wanted to pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ. These people use the names and ideas familiar to Christians, but slightly twist the ideas to make their message all the more deceptive. The Enemy still uses this tactic today. How can we ward against believing those that would try to pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our day?
- Where did Paul receive the true revelation of Jesus Christ?
Family Time:
- Galatians is a letter that Paul wrote to the people of Galatia that had already accepted Jesus as their Savior. Right away we see in this chapter that Paul is concerned that the people are turning away from the true gospel (GOOD NEWS of what Jesus has done for us) and are beginning to believe in a different (or modified) gospel. Back in the book of Acts, we saw that some of the so-called Jewish Christians were trying to tell the new non-Jewish Christians that they needed to follow certain old laws of Moses in order to be a Christian. They were adding burdens and rituals onto the people that God did not intend to be a requirement in the GRACE He was offering through Jesus.
- Re-read verse 9. How serious is it for people to add man-made requirements to salvation?
- Why might it be important today to study God’s Word?