Monday, July 5
Read II Corinthians 10
Think About It:
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 is one of my favorite passages of scripture. There is a wealth of truth and spiritual meat in these verses. When I was preparing this devotional I read the Enduring Word Commentary on this chapter and found this quote: “We must remind ourselves that Paul speaks to carnal, worldly thinking among Christians. He isn’t talking about the world here but the Corinthian Christians. They were the ones with the strongholds in their minds and hearts. They made the arguments against God’s mind and methods. They held on to every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We miss it entirely if we think the love of manipulation, the image of success, smooth words, the perception of power, lording over authority, and human schemes and programs are just problems among unbelievers. Paul dealt with this heart and mind in the church.” This perspective really opened my spiritual eyes. How about you, did you learn anything new?
- In Ephesians 6, Paul lists the spiritual weapons he used. To rely on these weapons took faith in God instead of worldly methods. But truly, these weapons are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. The Corinthian Christians tended to rely on and admire carnal weapons for the Christian battle:
- Instead of the belt of truth, they fought with manipulation.
- Instead of the breastplate of righteousness, they fought with the image of success.
- Instead of the shoes of the gospel, they fought with smooth words.
- Instead of the shield of faith, they fought with the perception of power.
- Instead of the helmet of salvation, they fought with lording over authority.
- Instead of the sword of the Spirit, they fought with human schemes and programs.
- The reliance on carnal methods and the habit of carnal thinking is a true stronghold. It stubbornly sets down deep roots in the heart and mind, and it colors all of our actions and thinking. It is hard to let go of the thinking that values the things and ways of this world, but God’s power really can break down these strongholds. We are not helpless victims or recipients of our thoughts. We can choose to stop our thoughts and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Thoughts of lust, thoughts of anger, thoughts of fear, thoughts of greed, bitter thoughts, evil thoughts – they are part of every thought that may be and must be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Are there strongholds in your thinking that you need to ask the Holy Spirit to take captive and make them obedient to Christ?
Family Time:
- Memorize verses 3-5. Talk about this as a family. What does it mean? Specifically name the weapons of our warfare. Who are they to be aimed at?
- Re-read verses 17 and 18 in another translation. What is it called when someone thinks too highly of themselves?