Saturday, July 3
Read II Corinthians 9
Think About It:
It seems strange that we Christians need encouragement to give, when God has given so much to us. God had enriched the Corinthians in a wonderful way, and they were hesitant to share what they had with others. They were not accustomed to grace giving, so Paul had to explain it to them. Having explained grace giving to them, Paul then tried to motivate them to get involved in the special offerings; he did this by sharing five encouragements that relate to grace giving.
Your giving will provoke others (9:1-5).
Your giving will bless you (9:6-11).
Your giving will meet needs (9:12).
Your giving will glorify God (9:13).
Your giving will unite God’s people (9:14-15).
Re-read chapters eight and nine again. Note the emphasis on the grace of God. If our churches and other ministries would get back to grace giving, we would experience each of these things listed above. Then imagine what that would do for God’s kingdom?
Family Time:
Paul continues his conversation about giving in this chapter. He emphasizes that it is not how much you give, but the spirit, or attitude, with which you give. Remember the story Jesus shared about the woman who gave only two mites? It was not much but it was all she had. Sometimes we give from our excess, or extra money. It’s like we don’t trust God to cover our needs if we give sacrificially. To give sacrificially means to give up so as to give more. “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously (see Proverbs 11:24-25). Read this again but replace the word” sow” with “give”. We will never be able to out-give God! Remember, God loves a cheerful giver. Giving generously and sacrificially is a way to honor, trust and thank God!
Remember that family giving project from yesterday? Try it again with someone else. Someone you perhaps are not exactly good friends with, maybe a cranky neighbor or a lonely, elderly person. Let them know you are praying for them also. This time, do it secretly! It will please God!