Friday, July 2
Read II Corinthians 8
Think About It:
- We are commanded to be generous. Why? Read verse 5.
- Notice the word grace in this chapter: verses 1, 6-7 and 9. Read them again replacing grace with charity. See the blessings in verse 7. What is another word for charity? I Corinthians 13 come to mind?
- There are times when we have less, and others have more. What are we supposed to do in either case?
Family Time:
Paul encouraged the Corinthian church by acknowledging how they excelled in so many areas, such as faith, knowledge, love etc. He also encouraged them to excel in the “grace of giving”. His words to them encourages believers today to also excel in the “grace of giving” generously for the needs of others. He reminded them of the Grace of Lord Jesus, that “though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” Paul also wanted to assure them their giving would be administered correctly.
Think of someone who has a need and decide what you could do to help them. It can be someone you know and are close to or a neighbor or someone you have never met. Brainstorm a few ideas with your family and perhaps make this a family experience! Then, thank God for the opportunity and resources to complete this task!