Wednesday, June 30
Read II Corinthians 6
Think About It:
- What does it mean to receive the grace of God in vain?
- Now is the acceptable time… now is the day of salvation: By quoting and applying Isaiah 49:8, Paul wants to give the Corinthian Christians a sense of urgency. God has an acceptable time for us to work with His grace. God has a day of salvation that will not last forever. This is no time for Christian lives consumed with ease and comfort and self-focus. It is time to get busy for the Lord and to be workers together with Him.
- Paul lists his credentials as a minister of the gospel in verses 4-10. What are your credentials as a minister of the gospel?
- Paul’s warnings starting in verse 14 really applies to any environment where we let the world influence our thinking. When we are being conformed to this worldand are not being transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2), we join together with unbelievers in an ungodly way. This speaks especially to the issue of influence. Paul is not suggesting that Christians never associate with unbelievers (he makes this clear in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13). The principle is that we are to be in the world, but not of the world, like a ship should be in the water, but water shouldn’t be in the ship. If the world is influencing us, it is clear we are unequally yoked together with unbelievers. And this unequal yoke, or ungodly influence, may come through a book, a movie, a television show, a magazine, or even through worldly Christian friends. Some Christians are far too indiscriminate about the things they allow to influence their minds and lives. Is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about the influencers in your life?
Family Time:
In verse 2, Paul says that now is the time of salvation. God offers salvation to everyone; He desires that no one be lost. He created us to be with Him! However, many people think they have lots of time to make a decision for God. Sometimes, if people wait too long they might miss the opportunity. It could be too late. Encourage people not to wait. Sometimes people reject Jesus because of how believers live their lives. Be sure not to let your actions become an excuse for a non-believer; put no “stumbling block in anyone’s path”.
When is the time of salvation? Why do you think Paul wrote this verse?
Weapons of righteousness—weapons for the right hand are offensive weapons, those for the left hand are defensive weapons. We need both offensive weapons and defensive weapons! Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and draw a picture of yourself wearing the weapons of the armor of God.