Saturday, June 19
Read I Corinthians 13
Think About It:
In chapter 12 verse 31 we are told to earnestly desire the higher gifts and that there is an even more excellent way – love. If we go after the supernatural gifts but miss this point then there is no value. The excellent way is love. Verses 4-9 list some characteristics of love. When the perfect comes, everything that is in part will pass away. Jesus is perfect love. We don’t see everything clearly yet. Verse 12 says we see dimly in a mirror. The mirrors during Bible times were not as clear as they are today. But, the point is that we don’t see the face of Jesus very clearly yet, and so, we don’t understand fully what we look like, or who we are. The time will come when we will see clearly. A mirror is for seeing our own face but here the face we see is Jesus. See 1 John 3:1 where it says that as we really see Him, we will be like Him. See also 2 Corinthians 3:18. This is another great reason to seek His face in prayer!
Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:49
What should be the governing factor in the operation of all the spiritual gifts?
Family Time:
- What is the greatest gift?
- Read verses 4-8. Can you give real examples of each kind of love?