Thursday, June 17
Read I Corinthians 11
Think About It:
Paul writes in verses 2-16 about a cultural issue of that day regarding head coverings. To compare the idea with one more familiar today, Americans often remove their hat during a public prayer as a sign of respect. There were debates about length of hair among Romans, Greeks, and Hebrews. However, Paul points out in verse 16 that if the issue concerning hair and head coverings causes strife in the church, it is better to avoid the customs to maintain peace and unity in the Church. In verses 17-34, Paul addresses another issue with some disrespectful habits during the LORD’s supper (Communion). We share in communion with reverence as the bread and “fruit of the vine” represent the blood and body of Jesus on the cross, and parallels the Passover when the Jews were freed from slavery in Egypt and moved to the Promised Land. As Christians, we think of Jesus at Calvary and how His resurrection means we have abundant life here on earth and a future inheritance with Him in heaven. Many people set aside time to take communion in their own homes, believing in the healing power of Christ’s body and blood and knowing that because of our covenant with God, healing and strength comes to us through this activity. Read I Corinthians 11:23-32 as you take the elements (bread and juice) and thank God for His covenant, the redemptive anointing of Jesus and the power of His Spirit in you.
Family Time:
- This chapter talks about something that many people have different opinions on – head coverings. The most important thing to remember when reading this chapter is that God created men and women, and boys and girls very different for very good purposes. Even though we are different in some ways we are all still equal in value and worth in God’s eyes. Our prayer, obedience and devotion are accepted the same. Some different ways people honor these verses. This would be a good thing for your family to spend a few days praying about and see what God puts on your heart.
- We need to always examine our hearts before we take communion. What happens if we have an ugly heart when we take communion? (verse 27)
- Have you taken communion yet? Talk with your parents about it. If you do take communion, make sure you understand why. If you haven’t, pray about that with your parents.