Wednesday, June 16
Read I Corinthians 10
Think About It:
- It’s easy for us to read the Bible with hindsight (20/20 vision), and think that we would not have behaved as stupidly as the Israelites did in the wilderness. It’s easy to say after having seen the miraculous ways God rescued, guided, and provided for them, that we would not have behaved in the same way. This is where we meet 1 Corinthians 10:12, “So beware if you think it could never happen to you, lest your pride becomes your downfall.” (The Passion Translation) “Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].” (The Amplified Bible) Temptation works like rocks in a harbor; when the tide is low, everybody sees the danger and avoids it. But Satan’s strategy in temptation is to raise the tide, and to cover over the dangers of temptation. Then he likes to crash you upon the covered rocks. Memorizing 1 Corinthians 10:12 is a way to put a “Beware of Hidden Rocks” sign in your heart and mind so you can avoid the downfall of pride.
- Some people misquote 1 Corinthians 10:13 and say that God will not give us more than we can bear. Besides being untrue, that is not at all what this verse means. God has promised to supervise all temptation that comes at us through the world, the flesh, or the devil. He promises to limit it according to our capability to endure it – according to our capability as we rely on Him, not our capability as we rely only on ourselves. How well do you deal with temptation? Do you rely on God for a way of escape? God never promised that the way of escape would be easy, how well do you bear up under the pressure? Remember you don’t have to depend on your own power.
Family Time:
** ‘under the cloud’ – pillar of cloud by day, ‘passed through the sea’ – when the red sea parted.
- Was God pleased with all of His people? (verses 1-5)
- Why did God have us learn about the journey of the Israelites in Moses’ time? (verse 6)
- Can we overcome all temptation? (verses 12-13)
- If we choose to have a special diet to honor God, should we make others – especially non-believers – feel bad for offering us food we choose not to eat? (verse 27) In verse 33 it says we should not seek our own profit. That means we shouldn’t do things to puff ourselves up, or to feel like we are better than others. Verse 31 says “do all to the glory of God”.