Monday, June 14
Read I Corinthians 8
Think About It:
- What were the Jews and Gentiles still practicing that was not of God? They wanted to hold on to their old ways while trying to embrace the new. Old habits and beliefs die hard. Are there ones that your conscience is telling you to let go of? Don’t remain in bondage!
- Liberty like freedom has responsibilities. Use your liberty wisely, as your ways are being watched.
Family Time:
- This chapter talks about the weak man’s conscience. The weak man is someone who is not as educated or as solid in their knowledge or understanding of God’s Word. They may think some things are bad when they are not. They may also think some things are good when they are not. This does not mean a weak person was not as Christian as someone who was not weak. The weak person is still learning. In this chapter, those who are not weak are just those who have a better understanding in certain areas.
- Many times food was offered to idols. Some believed if you ate this food evil spirits would enter you. This was not true. The person with a weak conscience thought it was. What are God’s people called to do in this situation? (verses 9-13)
- Is there anything you may be doing to cause someone to stumble? Have someone’s actions caused you to stumble?