Monday, June 7
Read I Corinthians 2
Think About It:
- Paul was a brilliant scholar, but he did not rely on his own wisdom or on intellectual arguments to share the gospel. In 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Paul tells us why he used this approach. Preaching strategies centered on the wisdom of men (around emotion, entertainment, and human personality) may yield response, but not results for the kingdom of God. Many people use slick, entertaining, or even deceptive means to “lure” people into the church, and justify it by saying, “we’re drawing them in and then winning them to Jesus.” But the principle stands: what you draw them with is what you draw them to. If someone’s faith is in the wisdom of men, and not the power of God; if someone can be persuaded into the kingdom by human wisdom, they can also be persuaded out of the kingdom by human wisdom. We should follow Paul’s example and keep our message simple and basic. The Holy Spirit will give power to our words and use them to bring glory to Jesus.
- Are you surprised when you try to explain spiritual things to unsaved people, and they don’t understand them, or they aren’t inspired and awed by God the way you are? This chapter tells us that it is only through the Spirit of God that anyone can understand the things of God. Pray over those who do not have spiritual understanding. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open their minds and their spiritual eyes and ears to see, hear and understand the things of God.
Family Time:
- “Your _____________ should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of ________.” (verse 5)
- “It is written… _______ has not seen nor ______ heard nor have entered into the _______ of man the things which ______ has prepared for those who _______ Him.” (verse 9)