Tuesday, June 1
Read Romans 13
Think About It:
This is the most notable passage in the new testament on Christian civic responsibility. It embodies what Jesus said in Matthew 22:21, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” It’s challenging when the state is anti-God in their stance. Paul goes so far as to say, there is no authority except that which God has established. Christians have a dual citizenship and we are not excused from responsibility to acknowledge the government as having authority from God to govern us. We need wisdom from God to understand how to live during these troublesome times.
- To Whom should we be subject? (verses 1 and 5)
- What do we resist if we resist the authorities appointed by God? (verse 2)
- What is the purpose of rulers? (verses 3-4)
- What are some things you render to governing authorities? (verses 6-7)
- How did Paul sum up the commandments regarding our relationships with others? (verse 9)
- What is the fulfillment of the law? (verse 10)
- What should we cast off? (verse 12)
Family Time:
- In verses 1-7, what does the Lord say about how we should treat people in authority and their laws? When Paul wrote this, was Rome a Godly country?
- What is the only way to fulfill every requirement of the law?
- When we put on Jesus Christ what kind of armor is it?