Saturday, May 29
Read Romans 11
Think About It:
Paul answers questions concerning God’s relationship with the Jews still depending on the law and with the Gentiles leaning on grace for righteousness. The Torah and prophets had predicted Israel would be spiritually blind and unable to discern the truth. He explains how the unbelief of natural born Jews led to the salvation of the Gentiles. He compares two olive trees: one natural (representing Israel) and one wild (Gentiles). The Jews’ unbelief caused natural branches to be severed from the tree and God grafted into the tree many new Gentile branches. God never gives up on us! The blindness is not permanent. “All Israel shall be saved” once the fullness of the Gentiles comes to salvation. Romans 11:29 says, “God’s gifts and calling are irrevocable.” Spend time thanking God that He never gives up on us! And also consider the gifts and calling on your life that He is expecting you to fulfill in your life.
Family Time:
A remnant is a smaller piece of the original. In sewing, a remnant is a small piece of a bigger chunk of fabric, also called material. It is exactly the same as the original piece of fabric, same color, same pattern, same texture; it’s just smaller in size. The same is true of God’s Remnant. He chose, by grace, a remnant of Jews from the bigger group, the entire Jewish nation. He chose only those who remained faithful to Him. Because the Jewish nation stumbled (refused to be faithful), salvation was extended to the Gentiles (everyone who is not a Jew). Thank goodness! However, the Jews who initially rejected God, and His Son, can still be saved!
What is a remnant? Who and why did God choose His remnant?
Are the Jews who rejected God and Jesus still able to be saved? How?