Wednesday, May 26
Read Romans 8
Think About It:
Notice the Holy Spirit’s work as you read this chapter.
- How are we, who are in Christ, to walk and live?
- What did the power of the Spirit do for us in verse 13? And who are the children of God?
- With freedom comes responsibility. Being joint heirs means sharing things. We are called, not only to share in God’s glory, but what else?
Family Time:
- Believers are the children of God—we are the King’s kids, the Master’s heirs! How wonderful! How marvelous! How exciting! Believers have life through the Spirit, God’s Holy Spirit. He has set believers free from the law of sin and death. Doesn’t that make you want to jump and dance for joy? Our Good, Good Father sent His Son to be a sin offering for our sins. When we are saved by believing Jesus IS God’s Son, His resurrected Son, then surrender our will to His will, we also receive the Holy Spirit. By His power we are able to follow His guidance, His direction and say NO to sin! We are able to say no… but we HAVE to say no! The Holy Spirit will remind us to do right but the choice to do right is all on us.
- “What would Jesus do?” is a good question to ask before doing anything. I know it sounds pretty simple, but you will find the more you say yes to doing right and no to doing wrong, the easier it gets to keep on saying yes to doing right and saying no to sin. It’s truth! Whose kid are you? What will you say to doing right? What will you say to sin?
- Paul tells us that as believers, life will not always be a piece of cake; there will be suffering. Expect it… but don’t fear it!
Re-read verses 28-30 and 37-38 aloud, then circle the correct answers:
“And we (hope think know) that in (nothing all things some things), God works for the good of those who love (their parents Him ”God” pizza and popcorn) who have been called according to (His my our) purpose.
We are more than (goofballs hopeless losers conquerors) through Him who loved us.”
- Make a list of things that CANNOT separate us from the love of God.