Tuesday, May 25
Read Romans 7
Think About It:
- The law does not bring salvation. We cannot be good or do good things in order to receive salvation and go to heaven. Salvation is attained through faith in Christ only (verse 25). So what purpose does the law have? (verse 7)
Family Time:
Paul explains about God’s Grace, being under “The Law” and under sin. Remember, since the time of Moses, when the Law was given, the Jewish nation had lived under the Law. The Law identified sinful behaviors, like stealing, killing, lying, coveting, etc. and in itself is Holy, Spiritual, Righteous and Good. It had to be because God gave it, right? The Law simply identifies, or spells out, sinful behaviors. Sin is the deceiver that compels us NOT to obey the Law. The Law is not sin. REPEAT THAT: THE LAW IS NOT SIN! The Law cannot get rid of sin… it just tells what sin is. The Law cannot save us from sin or make us righteous…only Jesus can do that!
Believers belong to Jesus and His Holy Spirit helps us to produce good fruit for God and reminds us of what Jesus says in the Bible. We serve God, not out of rules but because of our renewed hearts and minds. Believers overflow with love for God. Our motivations are changed by our love and gratitude. Aren’t you glad all believers are under God’s Grace? Are you a believer?