Wednesday, May 19
Read Romans 2
Think About It:
- When Paul’s letter was read in the Roman church, no doubt many heads nodded as he condemned idol worshipers, homosexual practices, and violent people. But what surprise his listeners must have felt when he turned on them and said in effect, “You have no excuse. You are just as bad!” Paul was emphatically stressing that nobody is good enough to save themselves. If we want to avoid punishment and live eternally with Christ, all of us, whether we have been murderers and molesters or whether we have been honest, hardworking, solid citizens, must depend totally on God’s grace. Paul is not discussing whether some sins are worse than others. Any sin is enough to lead us to depend on Jesus Christ for salvation and eternal life. We have all sinned repeatedly, and there is no way apart from Christ to be saved from sin’s consequences.
- In His kindness, God holds back His judgment, giving people time to repent. It is easy to mistake God’s patience for approval of the wrong way we are living. Self-evaluation is difficult. Psalm 19:12-13 says, “ 12But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. 13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgressions.” It is even more difficult to expose our conduct to God and let Him tell us where we need to change. But as Christians, we must pray constantly that God will point out our sins, so that He can heal them. Unfortunately, we are more likely to be amazed at God’s patience with others than humbled at His patience with us.
Family Time:
- Who will receive eternal life at the judgment of God? (verses 6-7)
- Who will receive wrath, tribulation, and anguish at the judgment of God? (verses 8-9)