Overview of the Book of Romans 1-4
Tuesday, May 18
Read Romans 1
Think About It:
God does not ask men to behave in order to be saved, but to believe. It is faith in Christ that saves the sinner. Eternal life in Christ is one gift that is suitable for all people, no matter what their need may be or what their station in life.
Romans 1:17 is the key verse of the letter, and in it, Paul announces the theme: “the righteousness of God”. The word righteousness is used in one way or another over 60 times in this letter (righteous, just, and justified). God’s righteousness is revealed in the gospel; for in the death of Christ, God revealed His righteousness by punishing sin; and in the resurrection of Christ, He revealed His righteousness by making salvation available to the unbelieving sinner. The problem “How can a holy God ever forgive sinners and still be holy?” is answered in the gospel. Through the death and resurrection of Christ, God is seen to be both “just and justifier”.
The gospel reveals a righteousness that is by faith. In the Old Testament, righteousness was by works, but sinners soon discovered they could not obey God’s law and meet His righteous demands. Here Paul refers to Habakkuk 2:2: “the just shall live by his faith.”
Family Time:
- To whom is this epistle written? (verse 7)
- How often did Paul pray for the Romans? (verse 9)
- Of what was Paul not ashamed? (verse 16)