Friday, May 14
Read Acts 26
Think About It:
- Paul stood before King Agrippa, whose great-grandfather had tried to kill Jesus as a baby; his grandfather had John the Baptist beheaded; and his father had martyred the first apostle, James. Agrippa’s family history made him unlikely to receive Paul warmly, yet he permitted Paul to speak for himself.
- Paul basically gave Agrippa, Festus, and Bernice (commanders of the Roman Legion) his testimony. What was the response of these commanders after hearing the testimony of Paul? Do you share your testimony of how God has changed you?
Family Time:
- Paul tells Festus and King Agrippa about his life before and after he followed Jesus. It is important to notice that Paul once was known as Saul. Saul killed many followers of Jesus and was proud of that until God changed him. Once he decided to follow Jesus he was a new man. This is exactly what happens to us. Do you know anyone who has changed after deciding to follow Jesus?
- In verse 24 Festus tells Paul “Much learning is driving you mad!” He is telling Paul that he is too smart to believe these silly things that the dead would live again. Talk with your parents about how this might be happening today. How are Christians considered foolish for believing in God?
- Did Festus and king Agrippa find Paul guilty? (verses 30-32)