Thursday, May 13
Read Acts 25
Think About It:
This chapter as well as the previous one is full of the politics of the day. The officials didn’t know what to do with Paul. All they knew was that there was a disturbance among the people because of him. He got passed around from Lysias the Tribune to Felix the governor, then to Porcius Festus and king Agrippa, and finally on to Rome. These public leaders didn’t see any wrong with Paul. The best they could determine was the disagreement between him and the Jews. (verses 18-19) The Jews said Jesus was dead, Paul said He is alive. This is the conflict even today. Paul was sent for the defense of the gospel, it’s our turn now…
Family Time:
- Were the Jews able to prove Paul did anything wrong when Festus came to hear his case? (verses 6-8)
- Were the Jews able to prove Paul did anything wrong when King Agrippa came to hear his case? (verses 18-19)
- Was Paul sentenced or punished at all? (verses 25-27)
- So far Paul has been found innocent. Unfortunately, he had been in prison for at least 2 years. Do you think Paul was getting discouraged? Would you get discouraged if you knew you hadn’t done anything wrong but were still being asked questions?