Monday, May 3
Read Acts 16
Think About It:
- In this chapter, Paul establishes, perhaps, the strongest church. What did Paul have to say later to them? (Philippians 1:3-7)
- Why, do you think, Paul waited for days (verse 18) before calling out the spirit of divination that was upon the slave girl.
- How did the jailer’s life change after his encounter with Paul?
Family Time:
- When Paul and Timothy went through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by whom to preach the Word in Asia?
- What was the name of the woman who sold purple? When the Lord opened her heart to hear the things spoken by Paul, what did she and her household do?
- In verses 30-31, what did the jailer say to Paul? What did Paul say to the jailer?