Overview of the Book of Acts 13-28
Thursday, April 29
Read Acts 13
Think About It:
Until now, Jerusalem had been the center of ministry, and Peter had been the key apostle. But from this point on, Antioch in Syria would become the new center, and Paul the new leader. The gospel was on the move!
Luke listed five different men who were ministering in the church: Barnabas, whom we have already met; Simeon, who may have been from Africa since he was nicknamed “Black”; Lucius, who came from Cyrene and may have been one of the founders of the church in Antioch; Manaen, who was an intimate friend of Herod Antipas, who killed John the Baptist; and Paul, last on the list but soon to become first.
These men were serving as “prophets and teachers” in a local church. They were chosen to lay the foundation for the church as they proclaimed the Word of God. It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit, working through the local church, to equip and enlist believers to go forth and serve.
Paul and Barnabas traveled throughout the area spreading the news of Jesus Christ. Along the way they were met with those who accepted the Word of God and those who rejected it. One such place was the home of Barnabas, the city of Cyprus. The chief Roman official there was Sergius Paulus. He truly was interested to hear the Word of God. However, he was opposed by a Jewish false prophet named “Bar-Jesus” (Joshua). It is unusual to find a Jewish false prophet and sorcerer, for the Jews traditionally shunned such activities.
This event is an illustration of the lesson that Jesus taught in the parable of the tares (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43). Wherever the Lord sows His true children (wheat), Satan comes along and sows a counterfeit (tares), a child of the devil. Paul recognized that Elymas was a child of the devil, and Paul inflicted blindness on the false prophet as judgment from God. This miracle was also evident to Sergius Paulus that Paul and Barnabas were servants of the true God, and preached the true message of salvation. The Roman official believed and was saved.
In this day and age, it is easy to be misled. We need to be sure we don’t follow after doctrines of demons. Anytime you stray from what is written in the Word of God, or seek your own glory instead of God’s glory, you allow compromise into your belief system.
Family Time:
- How did Barnabas and Paul hear from God? What does it mean to “minister to the Lord”?
- Who/what was Elymas and what did he call himself?
- What did Paul do and the Holy Spirt inside him do when confronted with Elymas?
- Read Paul’s message to the Jews in Antioch in THE PASSION TRANSLATION. What was the message?
- Who opposed Paul and Barnabas in Antioch? Why?
- Who rejoiced over the message of Paul and Barnabas?