Overview of the Book of Acts 1-12
Thursday, April 15
Read Acts 1
Think About It:
- The Acts of the apostles, or the Acts of the Holy Spirit as some would rather call it, were written by Luke (the same one who wrote the gospel by that name, see Luke 1:3). In verse 1 it states that this book is addressed to Theophilus. This could have been a specific person, or it might have been addressed to all lovers of God, since the name means: lover of God or friend of God. Was the author of this book one of the 12 apostles? See Luke 6:13-16 for a list of the apostles.
- Why did Jesus tell them in verse 4 to wait for the promise of the Father before they did anything else? In verse 8 God’s plan for us is that we be completely immersed/baptized in the Holy Spirit.
- What an example for us that 120 of these early disciples waited together until they received the promise. Let us do the same!
Family Time:
- In the book of Luke, we read of Luke’s eyewitness accounts of historical facts about the life of Jesus: His birth, His ministry (message and miracles), His suffering and death, His resurrection (coming back to life) and His ascension (return to heaven). In the book of Acts, also written by Luke, we read about the events of those 40 days between Jesus’s resurrection and His ascension. During that 40-day time period, Jesus spent much time making public appearances and teaching His disciples about the Kingdom of God. Once while eating with them, Jesus gave them a command (verses 4-5). What was that command? Why do you think it was important for the disciples to wait in Jerusalem?
- What very important information does Jesus give His disciples in verse 8?
- The second part of chapter 1 explains how Matthias was chosen to replace Judas, the betrayer of Jesus. What activity did the disciples, women, and family of Jesus do constantly? (verse 14)
- Peter explained to the other believers that scripture foretold about Judas, his betrayal, and the resulting need to replace him. What were the criteria (requirements) for the new guy? (verses 21-22)
- Two men were suggested as a possible replacement—Matthias and Joseph. Fill in the blanks to find out who was chosen and how: “Then they __________________, ‘Lord, You know every man’s ________. Show us which of these two men ___________ have chosen’. Then they cast ___________; the man chosen was ________________.”