Wednesday, April 7
Read John 15
Think About It:
- The vineand branch parable emphasize complete dependence and the need for constant connection. The branch depends on the vine even more than the sheep depends on the shepherd or the child depends on the father. As Jesus was about to depart from His disciples, this was important encouragement. He would remain united to them and they to Him as truly as branches are connected to the main vine. If you are the branch, do you feel the connectedness of Christ as the true vine? Are you a branch that bears fruit for the kingdom of God? Have you been pruned by God? Explain.
- “The connection with Christ is maintained by obedience and prayer. To remain in Christ and to allow His words to remain in oneself means a conscious acceptance of the authority of His word and a constant contact with Him by prayer” (Tenney). What will be the result if we do these two disciplines?
- Explain the link between love and obedience in this chapter.
- How are Christians to relate to the world?
Family Time:
- What is the greatest love a man can demonstrate? (verse 13)
- What command does Jesus give in verse 17?