Saturday, March 27
Read John 6
Think About It:
- How much did Philip estimate it would cost to feed the multitude? (verse 7) A denarius was a day’s wage for a laborer.
- What must we do to be doing the works of God? (verses 27-29, and John 14:12)
- Who was the true bread from heaven? (verse 35)
- Whom did Jesus say He would never cast out? (verse 37)
Family Time:
- In the feeding of the 5,000, the only person who had any food with them was a little boy. How much food did he have with him? (verse 9)
- What do you think it would be like to be that little boy? Would you have wanted to give away your lunch? What would you have felt like when Jesus fed EVERYONE from your little lunch?
- I love what Jesus did. He took something so little, and made it into so much. Sometimes we think that we can only be important or useful if we do something really, really big and amazing. But Jesus shows us here that what He wants is whatever we have. It may be a little bit, or even a lot, but if we are willing to give it all to Him, He can use what we have to do great things for HIM! It’s so amazing to think that the Lord wants to let you and me be a part of His great plan! Be willing to give whatever He asks of you, and to obey even in the things that seem little and unimportant. You never know how He might use you to change someone else’s life!
*Watch “What if I Give All” by Ray Boltz on YouTube. It’s a beautiful picture.