Tuesday, March 23
Read John 2
Think About It:
Jewish wedding feasts lasted a week, so it was necessary for the groom to have adequate provisions. For one thing, it would be embarrassing to run out of either food or wine, and a family guilty of such inelegance could actually be fined! So, to run out of wine could be costly both financially and socially. Mary did not tell Jesus what to do, she simply reported the problem. Jesus’ reply seemed a bit abrupt, and even harsh, but such is not the case. “Woman” was a polite way to address her. His statement merely means, “Why are you getting me involved in this matter?” He was making it clear to His mother that He was no longer under her supervision, but that from now on, He would be doing what the Father wanted Him to do.
The miracle did something for His disciples. It revealed His Glory and gave them a stronger foundation for their faith. Though miracles alone are insufficient evidence for declaring Jesus to be the Son of God, the cumulative effect of miracle after miracle should certainly convince them of His deity. The disciples had to begin somewhere, and over the months their faith deepened as they got to know Jesus better.
When John mentioned “the third day”, he may have been giving us a hint of our Lord’s resurrection. All of these blessings are possible because of His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.
Our Lord suddenly appeared in the temple and cleaned house! He was careful not to destroy anyone’s property. He did not release the doves, for example, but He made it clear He was in command. The temple was His Father’s house, and He would not have any of the religious leaders pollute it with their money-making enterprises.
The condition of the temple was a vivid indication of the spiritual condition of the nation. Their religion was a dull routine, presided over by worldly minded men whose main desire was to exercise authority and get rich. Not only had the wine run out at the wedding feast but the Glory had departed from the temple.
There was still a godly remnant in Israel who loved God and revered His temple, but most religious leaders were false shepherds who exploited the people. When Jesus cleansed the temple, He “declared war” on the hypocritical religious leaders, and this ultimately led to His death.
Yes, Jesus knows the human heart. “Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” People who want His works but not His word can never share His life. “Seeing is believing” is not the Christian approach. First, we believe; then we see. Miracles can only lead us to the Word, and the Word generates saving faith. Our Lord’s accurate knowledge of the human heart is more evidence of His deity, for only God can see the inner person.
Family Time:
- What was the first miracle Jesus did? (verses 6-11)
- What did Jesus do at the temple? (verses 14-17) Why did he do this?
- God’s Word tells us that now WE are the temple of God…He lives IN US! Is there any area in your heart and life that is grieving to God? Any area where He would have to clean out wrong things? If so, confess it to Him and let Him forgive you and cleanse you. He loves us! “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19