Tuesday, March 16
Read Luke 20
Think About It:
Luke tells how Jesus answered the religious leaders when they questioned Him about paying taxes in verses 20-26. They were trying to trick Jesus, but He saw through their devious schemes every time. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s (tax) and give to God what is God’s (tithes and offerings).” As followers of God, we have to obey both God and the government, but the time is coming in this nation that we may have to choose. When the two authorities conflict, keep your priorities straight. Our duty to God always trumps our duty to government. Ask God for discernment when others are asking questions with evil intentions. He tells us to ask Him for wisdom (James) and promises to give it to us. Praying for wisdom also helps us learn how to advance His kingdom here on earth.
Family Time:
- Do you think the chief priests and scribes knew who Jesus really was? If they did know, why were they planning on killing him?
- Vinedressers were people who took care of the grapevines. In the story of the vinedressers, who was the man who planted the vineyard? Who were the vinedressers? Who was the man’s son?
- In verse 39, the scribes decided to stop asking Jesus questions. Why do you think they did that?