Friday, March 12
Read Luke 17
Think About It:
- Seven times daily to forgive someone and sometimes that’s not enough. What was Jesus really telling them?
- Ten lepers asked for mercy and received healing. Only one returned to glorify God. How like the other lepers are we? Oh, by the way, he was a foreigner, a Samaritan, not even a Jew! What’s holding us back from giving thanks?
- It’s the age-old question: When will the Kingdom of God come? And the end of the age? The Pharisees asked and we ask. The short answer is…only God knows. But better than asking when it will come, ask, “Am I ready?” For so it was in the days of Noah and Lot, rejection of God, homosexuality prominent, marriage and divorce, rejection of preaching, violence and bloodshed, lawlessness, drunkenness, buying and selling, planting and building. Christ’s coming will be sudden!
Family Time:
- If you have faith as small as a ________________, you can move a _______________!
- How many times are you to forgive your brother?
- How many men that had leprosy did Jesus heal? How many came back to praise God and thank Him? We should always be thankful and praise God for all He does. (verses 13-19)