Thursday, February 25
Read Luke 4
Think About It:
In Luke 4, Satan was the source of temptation – and he still is today. Temptation begins as thoughts and becomes a great danger when those thoughts lead to feelings – as it then presses upon our emotions. Emotions will lead to imaginations (mental images) and if allowed to continue, become mental strongholds, which are difficult to break. When we allow temptation to continue in our minds, emotions and eventually our actions, there is a veil over our eyes and our understanding is limited because of the enemy’s work in us. When we finally break free, God will open our understanding and many times we see the temptation in a different light, and it is much easier to overcome. As Jesus shows us in this chapter, using the Bible as the “sword of the Spirit”, quoting scripture as temptations begin, we can prevent the strongholds. That’s why we need to know the Bible like the back of our hand, to use it as protection against the enemy in every situation. Think of some ways you have been tempted. What are some scriptures that cover the weaknesses you can use the next time you feel tempted? Thank God today for delivering you from temptations in the past and talk to Him about your determination today to avoid temptation again. Admit your weaknesses and if necessary, find someone to be accountable to for those things to avoid temptations in the future.
Family Time:
- What was Jesus doing in this chapter? Why?
- How was Jesus tempted?
- How did Jesus respond?
- What should we do when we are tempted to sin?