Monday, February 8
Read Mark 5
Think About It:
- Is demon possession a real thing today?
- How do demons try to influence or infiltrate us today? (Ephesians 6:12)
- What are ways we can arm ourselves, so we are aware of the enemy’s tactics?
Family Time:
- Even though Simon (Peter) and his fishing partners, James and John, had been fishing all day with no success, when Jesus instructed them to go into deeper water and to let down their nets, Simon agreed to do it, perhaps reluctantly. Of course, they brought in so much fish, their boats began to sink! They were so amazed, they immediately left everything and followed Jesus. Jesus cared about their fishing business and He cares about our everyday activities. How have you seen God’s concern, care and help in YOUR daily activities, such as chores, schoolwork, play etc.? What did you “leave/quit” or need to “leave/quit” to follow Jesus? (see also Psalm 142:3-4)
- Leprosy was a contagious and fearful disease in Jesus’s time—much like COVID is today. Lepers were considered “untouchable”, and were kept separated from the rest of their families and friends. But Jesus reached out His hand, touched the Leper and the man was immediately healed. This teaches us that we can safely “reach out” to others with God’s love who are feeling sick or lonely by sending them pictures or cards. As a family, choose two or three shut-ins and send them some hand-made cards or drawings. You will definitely brighten their day!
- After watching Jesus heal the paralyzed man and eating with tax collectors, the Pharisees and teachers of the law complained and questioned everything they saw Jesus do and say, from healing the paralyzed man to eating with a large gathering of tax collectors. What was Jesus’ reply? (verses 31-32) How can we relate that response to our lives?