Tuesday, January 12
Read Matthew 10
Think About It:
- In the last verse of chapter 9, Jesus gives His disciples a prayer to pray. Since they were His disciples, I’m assuming they did that. Chapter 10 is the answer to their prayer as Jesus sends them out into the harvest field. They weren’t called apostles in Matthew’s gospel until after Jesus gave them authority, then they were sent out. It’s so important that we pray for this—that God calls and sends the laborers so they can go where He wants them and with the power and authority that’s needed!
- Jesus gave His apostles instruction about where to go (and where not to go), what to say, and what to think about their mission. We are also called to be witnesses for Him. What struck you the most in these instructions? For me, it was to not fear and to honor the things He tells me in secret rather than treating them as unimportant. I want to find ways to communicate these things to others. Along with that in verse 32, I want to boldly and publicly acknowledge Him! Mission Possible – by His grace!
Family Time:
- When Jesus sent out His twelve disciples for the first time,
- who were they to go to?
- what were they to say?
- what were they to do?
- Re-read Matthew 10:32-33. Why is what we speak about Jesus important?
- Whom should we not fear? Whom should we fear?