Monday, January 11
Read Matthew 9
Think About It:
- In verse 10, how did the tax collectors and sinners happen to be there?
- In verse 12, “weak and sick” means “holding onto or possessing a disease. Being unsaved is holding onto the kingdom of hell or rather being possessed by the enemy in the kingdom of darkness. What did Jesus say was His intention in verse 13? What does that mean for us?
- What was it that Jesus saw in verse 36 that caused Him to be moved with compassion?
Family Time:
- Re-read Matthew 9:4. Have you ever considered your thoughts? We are often more careful with our words than with our thoughts. Our thoughts often determine what kind of words we will speak. Jesus knows your thoughts. Ask Him to help you have His thoughts and spend time getting His thoughts by talking to Him and reading His word.
- Look at all the events of Jesus having compassion and healing people in chapter 9. Did anyone walk away unhealed? Did He ever ask them to pretend to be healed?
- In Matthew 9:13, Jesus tells us to learn that He desires mercy. What is mercy? Do you have mercy for others? What might mercy look like in the world right now? In your home? With your friends? With your neighbors?
- Re-read Matthew 9:1-17. Jesus tells us that if something new is put on something old without that old thing being prepared or re-“newed” – both the old and the new will be ruined and broken. Just like garments or wineskins, we need to become new (re-newed) to be prepared for a new filling of God’s Spirit. It is His love and kindness towards us that prevents Him from putting something new into an old nature or an un-renewed heart, because He doesn’t desire to have His gift or the receiver (us) broken and ruined.