Wednesday, December 30
Read Malachi 2
Think About It:
- God exposes, condemns and threatens to severely rebuke the unfaithful priesthood of Israel. The LORD hoped that this would warn the priests back to a proper respect of His covenant. Their sin all goes back to a hollow formalism. It is a religion of surface emotions and outward signs, but not of the heart. God used Levi as an example for the priests in the days of Malachi. What qualities did Levi have that God wanted these priests to adopt?
- What was the first abomination that Judah had committed?
- “All betrayals from the slightest unkindness to the grossest injustice, merit God’s disapproval” (Robert L. Alden). “You cover the altar of the LORD with tears… so He does not regard the offering anymore.” The neglected and divorced wives of the priests came and wept at God’s altar. When their priestly husbands then offered sacrifice to God at the same altar, it offended God. When we sin against our marriage or our marriage vows, we sin against something that God loves. God loves marriage for what it displays about His relationship to us. God loves marriage for the good it does society. God loves marriage for the way it meets the needs of men, women, and children. Most of all, God loves marriage as a tool for conforming us into the image of His Son.
Family Time:
- What should the lips of priests do? (verse 7)
- What does God hate? (verse 16)