Friday, December 25
Read Zechariah 11
Think About It:
- In verses 1-3, creation is mourning because of sin. Do you see creation mourning today because of our sin?
- In verse 12, Zechariah was given thirty pieces of silver. Thirty pieces of silverwas not an insignificant amount, but it was the price of a slave (Exodus 21:32). It was the lowest they could pay, and it said that they regarded Zechariah as a slave. Where else does the Bible talk about 30 pieces of silver?
- For verse 13, see Matthew 26:15 and Matthew 27:3.
Family Time:
- It sounds like God’s people are in trouble again! This chapter is talking about things in the future that God’s people will do wrong and again turn from God. Does anything sound familiar? (Read verse 13)
- Have you ever done something wrong, been punished, then did it again? Why do you think you did the same wrong thing again?
- We hear about God’s people turning from Him, getting punished and then turning from God all over again. When we read the stories about how God protects them and provides for them, we often wonder how they can forget about Him so easily. We are the same way! We don’t have to be though. What are some ways you can keep God first in your heart? What are some things your family does to keep God at the center? If you don’t have an answer, then pray about what you can do – and do it!