Tuesday, December 22
Read Zechariah 8
Think About It:
This chapter is an encouragement to the willing and obedient believers. God promises that Jerusalem will be restored. Verses 16 and 17 state the conditions required for God’s favor to rest upon them: be truthful, execute justice and maintain peace. Don’t imagine evil in your heart toward a neighbor, do not lie or allow deception. And since God does not change, we can be sure He still hates these things. Follow these ways in your life every day and be sensitive whenever the Holy Spirit convicts you of these things – and repent immediately. Always forgive quickly and be at peace with everyone.
Family Time:
- In earlier chapters we read about how God’s people were disobedient. We also read about how he roared His punishment on them. Now read through verses 2-8. Does it sound like God forgave His people?
- After forgiving His people He blessed them. What blessings do you read about in verses 9-13?
- God forgives us just like He forgave His people. He will also bless us. But it doesn’t stop there. What did God expect His people to do? (verses 14-18) What else? (verses 19-22)
- God calls us to change our ways after we are forgiven. Do you do this? Has someone ever forgiven you (parents, siblings or friends) and you were just glad they weren’t mad at you anymore? That’s not enough. God calls us to change the way we treat people, to seek good things, to fast with joy and to seek Him. Why do you think He wants us to do these things? (verse 23)