Saturday, December 5
Read Nahum 2
Think About It:
- What will happen to Nineveh? (verses 8-10)
- Who was against Nineveh? (verse 13)
Nahum prophesied the doom of Nineveh, capital of Assyria, over 100 years after Jonah went there. They finally fell to the Babylonians.
Family Time:
The people in Nineveh were very mean, they weren’t fair, and they worshiped idols instead of God. God sent Jonah to preach to them. The people listened and obeyed God for a while but not for long! They began sinning again. The time came for God to judge and punish them. Nahum said that God waits patiently for evil people to change, but when God acts, He is like a whirlwind and a storm. He acts fast! Turn in circles like tornadoes. Talk about how you feel in a storm.