Thursday, December 3
Read Micah 7
Think About It:
In Micah 7, the prophet foretells of things to come. He represents Israel and in verses 8-10, he warns the enemies not to rejoice when they see God’s people fall because through Israel’s darkness God will cause them to rise again. Proverbs 24:16-18 says, “though the righteous stumble seven times, they will continue to rise over and over again…” God will always be merciful to His people. Micah 7:11-13 predicts the rebuilding of Jerusalem. During the millennial reign, a road from Egypt to Syria will be built and Egypt, Israel and Syria will bless one another. Verses 16-17 speak of the tribulation period, as in Revelation 6:12-17, when people will hide in caves to escape the wrath of God, but toward the end they will turn to the LORD and come out from hiding. God is always faithful to His covenant, so what we see in verses 18-20, is true for us as believers. God will always have compassion and remember His promises to us. Give thanks to Him now for His amazing mercy and compassion He has shown you throughout your life.
Family Time:
- Micah is one of the 12 prophets we call the Minor Prophets. Do we find the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament or the New Testament?
- Micah warned of judgment for Israel and Judah for their sins, but also gave hope of a time when someone would save them. Who is the person that will save them?
- What does God want us to do?