Wednesday, December 2
Read Micah 6
Think About It:
- In verse 5 we are told, “Remember now what Balak king of Moab counseled.” After meeting with King Balak of Moab, Balaam prophesied over Israel four times. As he spoke forth God’s word, he did not curse Israel, but he blessed them each time. When he was unsuccessful in cursing Israel, Balaam answered Balak on how to bring Israel under a curse. Instead of trying to have a prophet curse them, the Moabites lead them into fornication and idolatry, and God will curse them. Balak did just that, sending his young women into the camp of Israel to lead Israel into sexual immorality and idolatry. Because of their sin, God did curse Israel – He brought a plague of judgment upon Israel that killed 24,000. In light of this, Israel must remember that God could never be persuaded to curse Israel, except if they brought curses on themselves through their own disobedience and rebellion. Like a great lawyer in court, God shows Israel that if they feel cursed in any way, it is entirely their responsibility. Have you ever had to live with the consequences of your actions? Did you blame someone else or God for causing the problem or the difficulties you had to face?
- “With what shall I come before the LORD?” This is a question asked out of bitterness and resentment. Israel calls out to God from the witness stand, and says, “Just what do You want from me?” “Blinded to God’s goodness and character, he reasons within his own depraved frame of reference. He need not change; God must change . . . His willingness to raise the price does not reflect his generosity but veils a complaint that God demands too much” (Dr. Bruce K. Waltke). Have you heard that statement that God demands too much of us? When under conviction, have you felt like saying, “What more do you want from me, God, haven’t I done enough?
- What is God’s answer to the question from Israel, what does God want from Israel and from us?
Family Time:
- Did you know that Micah prophesied that Jesus would be born in the town of Bethlehem? And that is not all Micah said about Jesus. Micah said Jesus would lead God’s people like a shepherd.
- Micah said some pretty interesting things about Jesus, but he also had other messages from God. He told the Israelites what God wanted them to do. Has God ever asked you to speak to an individual or group? Were you obedient? What happened?
- Make a Family Journal Page. During the week, write Micah 6:8 on index cards and post them throughout the house. Encourage each family member to memorize the verse. At the end of the week, see who can recite the verse the fastest, the quietest, the loudest, with the funniest voice, and so forth. Then, spend a few minutes talking about what the verse means and how our love for God should motivate us to obey.