Monday, November 30
Read Micah 4
Think About It:
Micah was optimistic. He saw the glorious future. Messiah’s kingdom: universal peace, prosperity, and religion.
- What comes to mind when you read the word “paths”? A footway. A course of conduct. Both?
- Before Christ’s righteous restoration, what happens to Judah?
- For what purpose does the LORD gather the nations? The LORD said, “they know not the thoughts of the LORD”. Are you surprised when what you thought was going to happen, turns out completely different?
Family Time:
- What will be specifically established within Israel according to these verses?
- What will be the ultimate, spiritual result of Christ’s work and reign on earth?
- Although God sends the Messiah to Israel, what happens to them?
- When will Israel be restored to God’s kingdom through the Messiah?