Thursday, November 26
Read Micah 1
Think About It:
During the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (kings of Judah), Micah prophesied to both Israel and Judah. His main thoughts were their sins, their punishment and their restoration.
- As what was the LORD going to make Samaria? (verse 6)
- What was said about her wound, and why? (verse 9)
What a terrible thing that there was no hope for them anymore. They would face the judgment of God. Let’s continue to pray for America, that we would turn back to God as a nation. Repentance is needed, then God will pour out His mercy on us.
Family Time:
There is something about names! Something to ponder: Towards the end of Micah, there are many places named that would be brought low by judgment. Micah used a series of puns and play on words to tell what would happen to each city named. For example, Beth Aphrah sounded like the word “dust” and so Micah tells Beth Aphrah to roll around in the dust in anticipation of judgment. Zaanan sounded like the word exit but he plays on that word to tell them there would be no escaping for them. The point here though is the POWER OF THE NAME. Many times in the bible names are given for exactly what is going on in that timeframe (Ichabod) or a name would be changed to indicate a new season in life (Jacob changed to Israel). We are told in Revelation 2:17 that we will each be given a new name that only you and God knows!
What are some beautiful secrets that the LORD knows about you? Perhaps that will be part of your new name!