Wednesday, November 25
Read Jonah 3-4
Think About It:
Chapter 3
- What happened in verse 5 and following after Jonah prophesied that Ninevah would be overthrown because of their sin?
Chapter 4
- Was Jonah happy about the repentant hearts of Ninevah?
- How does Jonah describe God in verse 2?
- How does God deal with Jonah?
Family Time:
- Discuss this statement made in the Enduring Word Bible Commentary regarding chapter 3: “One can have repentance without the word repentance ever being spoken and one can say the word ‘repentance’ and never truly repent.”
- In chapter 4 we see Jonah acting like a spoiled child. Jonah is actually mad that the people of Nineveh repented. Secretly Jonah wanted the people he had been sent to preach, to die. God exposes the secret of Jonah’s heart. Have you ever been jealous of a friend?
- Have you ever been disappointed when someone is restored to a right relationship with the LORD? Perhaps even mad that you can no longer “talk about them?” Jeremiah 17:9 says, “God knows your heart. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?”