Wednesday, October 21
Read Daniel 7
Think About It:
- These dreams/visions that Daniel had in chapters 7-12 actually took place during the time between Daniel chapters 4 and 5.
- The four beasts introduced in this chapter, Daniel tells us in verse 17 are four kingdoms ruling over the earth: Lion/eagle = Babylon; Bear = Medo-Persian Empire (3 ribs in its mouth = conquered Babylon, Egypt and Lydia); Leopard = Greek Empire.
Daniel knew of the reign of Babylon, and that the next empire would be the Medo-Persian Empire. He did not know that the next world empire would be like a leopard (springs upon its prey); the Greek Empire led by Alexander the Great that was divided into four parts (Cassander, Ptolemy, Lysimachus and Seleucus = four successors of Alexander the Great). The fourth and most fierce beast is believed to be the Roman Empire, which was the largest, strongest, most unified and enduring of them all. God uses His prophets to reveal details of the future that only He knows. Fulfilled prophecy is very persuasive. Do you hear the prophets of today? What are they saying?
- The final kingdom Daniel sees is the Kingdom of Heaven. The Ancient of Days is none other than God the Father, the brilliance and judgement of fire came from the throne, with a host of angels surrounding Him and humanity standing before God in the courtroom. Christ succeeds the reign of the fourth beast (Roman Empire) … now Divine dominion permanently over all earthly kingdoms. Jesus will come with the clouds of heaven and God’s people will receive the Kingdom.
- Does this chapter bring hope to your heart or does it trouble your heart, like it did Daniel? Why?
Family Time:
- What does “white as snow” tell us?
- Why was Daniel troubled?
- Where is the kingdom of God?