Tuesday, October 20
Read Daniel 6
Think About It:
Daniel was faithful to God and to the kings he was called to serve. Some of his peers became jealous of the favor and power he was given. So, they set up a clever plot to have him killed. Even when Daniel heard of the plot he still boldly and openly prayed and gave thanks to God! He was faithful, bold, and courageous even in his old age! He was in his 80s at this time.
- What was the position that king Darius gave to Daniel? (verses 1-3)
- What did the other officials look for in Daniel, but could not find? (verses 4-5)
- What decree did they get Darius to sign? (verses 6-9)
- What did Daniel do after the decree was signed? (verse 10)
- What did the king reluctantly do? (verses 14-16)
- What did the king believe? (verse 16)
- What did the king do that night? (verse 18)
- What did the king find the next morning? (verses 19-23)
- What did the king do to those who accused Daniel? (verse 24)
- What was the next decree that King Darius wrote? (verses 25-27)
- After serving the kings in Babylon, in what other reigns did Daniel prosper? (verse 28)
Family Time:
- Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hErz8MDjdtc
- How often did Daniel pray?
- Did he hide to pray?
- What did the king do very early the next morning? How did Daniel answer Darius?
- What was the decree that Darius made to all people under his rule?