Overview of the Book of Daniel
Wednesday, October 14
Read Daniel 1
Think About It:
- In verse 4, six reasons are given why Daniel and his friends are chosen. Can you see them?
- The favor of God came to Daniel because of what he had already decided, in verse 8, he wasn’t going to do. What was it?
- Have you ever tried the “Daniel” diet? Vegetables and water for 10 days doesn’t sound as good as burgers and soda. But what was the result of his diet?
- His obedience kept God’s gifts coming to Daniel and his friends. What did they get in verse 17?
Family Time:
- Why were the best and the brightest of Jerusalem’s young men chosen and taken to Babylon? Part of that answer is: If a nations youth can be indoctrinated, then the future is secured for those indoctrinating. We must be diligent to pour into our youth so that we are passing on God’s word and not the world’s ideas of a successful life.
- Have you taken someone under your wing? If not, what are you waiting for?
- Youth Look up 1 Timothy 4:12! It is an amazing verse!