Monday, August 31
Read Ezekiel 11
Think About It:
- God gives Ezekiel two messages in this chapter. The first message found in verses 1-13, is a message of wrath against those who continued to live in Jerusalem, and went on with life as usual, thinking they would never fall. What is the essence of this message?
- In 1 Corinthians 10:12 (Amplified Bible) we are told, “Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous]; take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].” The Israelites were warned from the time they entered the promised land not to copy the customs and religious practices of other nations. Today, believers are still tempted to conform to the standards and trends of society. How can we be sure that we are getting our standards of right and wrong from God?
- The second message Ezekiel is given is found in verses 14-21. It is a message of comfort to those who were carried as captives into Babylon and were there in the depth of despondency, thinking that they would never be restored. God promises to gather them from the countries where they have been scattered and to give them back the land of Israel again. God gives a precious promise in verse 19, go back and read it. This is an excellent verse to pray over yourself, if you have not turned to God, and to pray over your unsaved loved ones. Ask God to give them an undivided heart, that is content with seeking God alone. Ask God to put a new spirit in them. Ask God to remove their hard, deaf, immovable heart of stone and to give them a tender, receptive and responsive heart of flesh.
Family Time:
- Family Discussion: If everything that went through your mind was displayed on a screen for all to read, would you be ashamed? As stated in Ezekiel 11:5, God knows the things that comes to our minds. We must learn to take every thought into captivity.