Friday, August 21
Read Ezekiel 3
Think About It:
- In Ezekiel 3:1-3, what is the significance of Ezekiel “eating” the scroll, feeding his belly and filling his stomach with the scroll before he goes to speak to the house of Israel? What is the difference between eating and digesting God’s Word and tasting God’s Word?
- In Ezekiel 3:8-9a, “God promised to equip Ezekiel emotionally and intellectually to deal with the anticipated rejection. God had made the prophet’s face and forehead just as hard as theirs. He would be able to ‘butt heads’ with his antagonists.” (Chuck Smith) What is the best way to build your faith in God and in the Truth of God’s Word? How do you make your faith strong and impenetrable in the face of the enemy’s lies, the world’s view that truth is relative, and that the Bible is obsolete?
- In verse 17, God tells Ezekiel He has made him a watchman. What is the duty of a watchman to the wicked? To the righteous?
Family Time:
- Do you think God was telling Ezekiel to actually eat the scroll? What else do you think God could have meant when He said to eat the scroll? (verse 10)
- What was Ezekiel supposed to do if the people of Israel did not listen to Him? (verse 11) It is important to remember that even when we tell someone about Jesus, they may not change. It is our job to be obedient by telling people about Jesus. We have to trust God to do the rest. (verses 19-21)
- Read verses 26-27. What was God going to do to Ezekiel’s speech? When would He allow Ezekiel to talk?