Overview of the Book of Lamentations
Thursday, August 13
Read Lamentations 1
Think About It:
This appropriately named book describes the ramifications of rebelling against God without having a heart of repentance. It is a good reminder to maintain a heart that is sensitive to the conviction of His Holy Spirit. Verse 9 says, “(Jerusalem) did not seriously consider her future, therefore she has come down from throne to slavery in an astonishing manner.” Proverbs says without vision the people perish. Spend some time in prayer seeking God’s vision for yourself, asking for wisdom for the future and if this reading has reminded you of anything you need to deal with. If so, repent and thank God for the Cross, which covers all our sin.
Family Time:
- Who is the writer of Lamentations?
- Jeremiah’s heart is broken over his people, just like God’s heart is broken over His children when they sin against Him. Is your heart deeply broken over the lost?