Wednesday, August 12
Read Jeremiah 52
Think About It:
“Nearly every verse of Jeremiah 52 is a fulfilled prophecy. In fact, reading the chapter is a good way to review the entire book of Jeremiah. The facts speak for themselves: Jeremiah spoke the true words of God” (Ryken).
- For 40 years Jeremiah’s message had been to repent and turn to God, or God will punish. But no one listened. What was the root issue that caused God to bring about the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah?
- When Zedekiah and all the men of war made a last chance effort and fled the city, they got as far as the plains of Jericho. “It seems ironic that here, at the very spot where Israel first set foot on the Promised Land, the last of the Davidic kings was captured and his monarchy shattered. Here, where Israel experienced her first victory as the walls of Jericho fell before unarmed men who trusted God, was the scene of her last defeat” (Russell H. Dilday). It was quite a considerable distance from Jerusalem to the plains of Jericho. What do you suppose King Zedekiah was thinking when he got that far from Jerusalem? What would he have been thinking when he turned and saw the Chaldeans pursuing him?
- What similarities do you see between the actions of the people of Judah who heard Jeremiah’s prophecies and ignored them and the Church as a whole today? James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Is the Church today merely listening or are we doing what it says?
Family Time:
- In the world’s eyes Jeremiah looked totally unsuccessful. He had no money, family or friends. He prophesied the destruction of the nations, the capital city and the temple, but the political and religious leaders would not accept or follow his advice. No group of people liked him or would listen to him. But he successfully completed the work God gave him to do. God measures our success by obedience, faithfulness, and righteousness. If you are faithfully doing the work God gives you, you are successful in His eyes.