Monday, August 10
Read Jeremiah 50
Think About It:
- Calamity brought Israel and Judah back together as one in God. Can you think of a calamity that God used to bring you back to Him?
- Babylon was used to chastise Israel. The pride of Babylon caused them to take things too far. They would reap more than they sowed. Has pride ever brought you low? What was the solution? Proverbs 16:18 tells us what comes before destruction, what is it? Babylon had it, see verses 29 and 31.
- Babylon was destroyed without Israel having to fight. What does that tell you about what God does for us against our enemies?
- When the king of Babylon heard the report of the coming invaders, what happened physically to him?
- Can the United States be compared to Babylon? Would the earth be moved if we were taken down?
Family Time:
- Babylon is also used in scripture as a symbol of all i e v l .
- In verse 32, arrogance (pride) was Babylon’s characteristic sin. Pride believes that we don’t need God. If you have been prideful, ask God to forgive you and ask for help. Focus your attention on the greatness and goodness of God.