Wednesday, August 5
Read Jeremiah 45-46
Think About It:
Jeremiah 45
- What was the reprimand given to Baruch in verse 5?
- Who was Baruch?
Jeremiah 46
- What are the reasons God disciplines us?
- Why would it have been wrong for Israel to form an alliance with Egypt?
Family Time:
Jeremiah 45
Note: Chapter 45 describes events that would have happened prior to Jeremiah being taken to Egypt and after Jehoiakim, King of Judah, had burned the scroll in Chapter 36.
- Baruch was a scribe who wrote down Jeremiah’s words from the Lord. God takes the time out from addressing the nation to address Baruch individually. What does God warn and promise Baruch?
- Consider Psalm 8:4 – “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you visit him?” Baruch mattered to God. God wanted him to not be afraid and not make wrong decisions. YOU MATTER TO GOD!
Jeremiah 46
God is just. He always does what is right. It can be hard to hear harsh words, but we must remember God always provided ways of repentance. Those who won’t repent and oppose Him will be punished. God also doesn’t want His people to trust in false strength. Our trust needs to be in Him and Him alone.
- Re-read the correction, and the promise of hope in verses 27-28.