Thursday, July 16
Read Jeremiah 28
Think About It:
Jeremiah 28 is a reminder that many people will say what they think the people want to hear. It is good to have a trusted friend or counselor. Better yet, seek the Word of God, read the bible for yourself and listen to what the Spirit of God teaches you firsthand through the Word. Whenever we make a decision, it is wise to listen to Godly counsel, but be sure the voice you hear lines up with the Word of God every time. Spend a few moments giving God thanks for your pastor and those people God has placed in your life that you can trust to speak the truth.
Family Time:
- Have you refused to accept the things the Lord has said are coming upon the earth and instead have chosen to listen to watered down words…lies? Don’t be like Hananiah and deceive yourself and others. Talk as a family how to prepare for the things that the Lord has said will come upon this earth.