Friday, July 3
Read Jeremiah 17
Think About It:
- The hearts of the people of Judah were so hard, what instruments had to be used to write their sins on them? Imagine never being able to have those sins removed. Pray for a soft heart.
- Do we realize how hopelessly dark and deceitful the heart is? God knows who we really are.
- Do you find it odd that the very place where worship of God was supposed to be taking place, Jeremiah was told to go and deliver five commandments? If heeded, what were some of the blessings Judah would receive? (verses 25-26)
Family Time:
- Look up the Cedarmont Kids song, “I Shall Not Be Moved”. Jeremiah 17:7-8
- In verses 19-26, God’s people are called to honor the Sabbath day – that’s Sunday for us. In verse 27, there is a punishment if God’s people did not obey this command. What are some ways you or your family could honor the Sabbath day? Try to think of something different than you do now. How do you think your heart or the way you think of God would change if you tried to honor the Sabbath more? PARENTS: share with your children things you may have done on Sundays as a child. Or maybe some things that have changed since you were a child (e.g. most stores closed early on Sundays , no childhood sports on Sundays, etc.).